Ashley + Rob = Married. Mr. & Mrs. Stohon {Johnstown Wedding Photographer}

A few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to photograph a wedding back home in Pennsylvania. My cousin Ashley and her husband were married in Johnstown, PA on June 4th. They had a traditional Catholic ceremony followed by dancing and laughs with friends and family. This is the second time in a row where we’ve battled the rain. We were hoping to get shots of the wedding party at this great little location up the street from the church however, we had about 3 minutes to snap a few shots of the bride and groom before the sky started to roll. We definitely felt a few drops before making it to our cars. So on to the reception we went.

A lot has happened in Ashley and Rob’s lives this year. I have great admiration for people who are able to face the unknown and make the best of every situation. The new bride and groom looked so happy on their wedding day. During the ceremony there were many times I caught them just glancing at each other and their faces would just light up. I know love isn’t something you can see or hear or touch. But one of the best things about photographing weddings is being able to see that love in just a look.

Rather than let the rain get them down, we just postponed some of the shots with the newlyweds until later in the reception. Growing up in the Weimer family meant two things: You must love the Stillers (that’s Steelers spelled phonetically for you southerners out there); and you must love cars. No one MAKES you do these things but growing up in a small town sometimes your family’s way are all you know so you grow to love these things without even realizing there are people out there that don’t. I know! It’s crazy. People not loving the Steelers, strange but true. Yinz wouldn’t believe it! So I was very excited to learn that Ashley’s husband, Rob, also loves cars! So we borrowed his brother’s car briefly for some alone time with the couple. I love what we captured. It holds a special place in my yankee car-loving heart.

Special thanks to my second shooter, Kelly Hill of Grace Hill Photography! It would not have been the same without you. Check out her blog for more photos from Ashley and Rob’s wedding.

Lastly, CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Ashley and her wonderful new husband Rob! I wish the best of luck to you in your marriage and if you are ever in NC, please come by and visit! Without further ado, Mr. & Mrs. Stohon:

Johnstown Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

BTW – Ashley LOVES shoes. So, this one is for you Ash!

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding PhotographerCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding PhotographerCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCHarlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

Charlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey LoftinCharlotte Wedding Photographer, Kasey Loftin

About Kasey Loftin Photography

Well what can I say? I love photography. Not in the "man I love this shirt" kind of way, but in a "my life is incomplete without it" kind of way. I crave the opportunity to capture something unique, something real, something honest about the people and pups I'm blessed to meet and the places I'm lucky enough to travel. I have the most amazing man in my life that loves me for every crazy, emotional, passionate, goofy fiber that I am. He is kind. He's my rock. He's my shelter. He's the hand I hold every night and he's the person I want to kiss before I leave for work. But enough about me. What's your story? I would love to help you write it with light.

Posted on 2011/06/24, in Family, Personal, Weddings and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Kasey, I have to say these pictures are breath taking. I have never seen such candid pictures before. You captured the two of them perfectly. I thank you. Rob’s Aunt Rose.

  2. These are amazing! Love them all!!!

  3. These are lovely. And I am a picky bitch photography-wise. Really lovely. Can’t wait to see the rest!

  4. Eileen Weimer

    Kasey these pictures are amazing!!!! I can”t thank you enough. You have truly found your calling as a photographer. What you can capture with your camera is breathtaking.

  1. Pingback: Ashley + Rob {Married} « Grace Hill Photography

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