Blog Archives

Little Boy, Balloons & Blackberries {Photos}

I don’t know if you remember this face, but I did a photo shoot with Kai last fall on railroad tracks. He stopped by our office for a visit today. Yesterday was his mom’s birthday and we lovingly trashed her office with streamers and balloons. She didn’t want to miss the opportunity to let Kai enjoy the sea of balloons, so she brought him in for breakfast to play for a bit. After the balloon pit and a brief dance party in my office, Kai sat down to enjoy some ginormous, plump blackberries. How can you not love this face??

Child Portraits, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portraits, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Child Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

Click here to see Kai’s photo shoot on the railroad tracks!

{2011 Canvas Contest} And the winner is…

Maternity Portrait, Kasey Loftin Photography

I want to thank everyone so much for participating in this fun contest. There were a total 297 points tallied. Based on the participation level, I’m hoping to make this an annual contest and I’m already trying to think of another contest for this year. I truly enjoyed working with every one of you and hope to work with you in the future! So let’s get down to the real reason you are here.

The winner is… Kristen Peeler

Kristen had 128 points!! I asked her how she managed to get so many points so quickly and she admitted that she emailed everyone one by one to convince them to visit my site and vote. Great job! In second  place was the Edwards family with 49 points. I would like to extend a 10% discount to the Edwards to use in the future.

Thanks again everyone!

Kasey Loftin 2011 Canvas Contest

So, the time has come! I want to show some love to my clients to start out the year. As a thank you for taking a chance on me as I was just getting started, I’m returning the favor. I am giving away a canvas print to one lucky client.

Here’s how it works:

I’ve created an album on the Kasey Loftin Photography Facebook Fan Page titled “Kasey Loftin 2011 Canvas Contest”. In that photo album, you will find one image from each of my clients. The photo that receives the most points by the end of February (11:59pm EST, February 28th) will receive a FREE 16×20 Canvas Print. The client may choose any photo from their shoot to print on the canvas. Kasey Loftin Photography will take care of the ordering, payment and shipment of the canvas.

Of course I want that canvas! What do I do?

  1. Share with your friends and family during the month of February.
  2. Encourage everyone to first “Like” Kasey Loftin Photography on Facebook.
  3. Once they do, direct them to the contest photo album and encourage them to “Like” and/or comment on the photo from your shoot. Each person has the opportunity to earn you up to two points: a “Like” AND a comment. (Don’t forget: these points are only valid if the person “Like”s Kasey Loftin Photography fan page first – so I can keep track of who is liking and commenting)
  4. On March 1, 2011 I will tally each photo’s points. The photo with the most points, receives the prize! Not just the bragging rights, but also, the FREE Canvas!

Copy and Paste the information below if you aren’t sure what to write:

Help me win a free Photo Canvas Print! Kasey Loftin Photography is giving one away to one lucky client. Please “Like” her page: Then check out the “Kasey Loftin 2011 Canvas Contest” photo album and show some love to my photo. Each person can help me earn up to two points, by liking the photo and commenting on it. Don’t forget, it only counts if you “Like” Kasey Loftin Photography first so she can keep track. Spread the word for me!