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Baby John {Charlotte Newborn Photographer}

When it comes to babies, it’s all about the details. A nook in their neck, a crease in their leg, a puff in their cheek, a gleam in their eye. That’s why I love photographing them so much. You get to capture certain details that you can only find on a newborn. Details that every parent adores and misses when they grow out of them. I get so excited when new parents contact me to shoot their newborn because it means they know – that time is fleeting and they want to capture every dimple and inch of their soft little skin that they can so as they get older they never forget the feeling of cuddling with their little baby even on those long nights when there was little sleep. Most parents say it’s exhausting but single-handedly the most rewarding experience of their lives and they wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know they aren’t mine, but I still get all giddy when I look through their photos. You can’t help but love’em, even when they aren’t yours, even when you’ve only spent one afternoon with them.

Meet baby John. And tell me if you don’t fall in love.

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

I just had to include the next one. Love how he’s laughing at spitting up on mom.

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Please show your support by liking my facebook page! Thanks. By liking my page, you’ll get to see when I post new photos, specials, contests, photo tips and more!

Baby John ~ Teaser {Charlotte Photographer}

I’m pretty sure I’ve reach my cute quota for the day and it’s only 1:37pm. It’s going to be very hard to narrow these photos down! Meet baby John.

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Charlotte Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Please support my photography by liking my Facebook Page!

Collin Lewis – Newborn Session {Huntersville Newborn Photographer}

You’ve seen Collin on my blog before, but I finally got a chance to go to his house and take some photos of him now that he’s home and settled in. If you missed it, you can see the photos of Collin at the hospital by clicking here. Have a very Happy Thursday!!

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

Huntersville Newborn Photographer, Kasey Loftin Photography

More photos will be posted on Kasey Loftin Photography’s Facebook page. Go show some love! Thanks for your support!